Tuesday, December 13, 2005

50m Status Update

The pool is down 3 1/2 feet as of 1am.  That means we are on track to break last years record by about 8 hours.  Last year the pool was drained in 36hours. 
Readings upon draining:
PH 7.5
CL 0.0
TDS 2500+ or Strantrol of 3289
For 8 hours the pool was drained with two 3 inch trash pumps and two electric vacuums.
See you tomorrow at 7am.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Started draining the pool 15 minutes ago, will have gas pumps up and running by 5pm.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Dive Pool Heater Update

The heater has warmed the pool with no cover up to 74 Degrees at this time. 9am Sunday

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Dive Pool Heater Update

  1. The Dive Pool is at 69 degrees.
  2. I got a call today to meet the plumber from 4pm - 6pm tonight at SCAC.  I will go then go to the Christmas Party!

Dive Pool

The dive pool statistics are as follows:

1. 36hours drain time with one electric vacuum pump - High volume.
2. 30hours fill time using main bypass valve
3. The pool is heating at 1/4 degree an hour with no covers and temps in the 40's
4. The tempurature at the pool right now is 67 degrees 7:02am Saturday December 10th.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Activities 12/9/2005

  1. Worked with Gary to get the 25 meter pool running.  The heater was turned on at 11am and was up two degrees by 5:30pm.  the progress of heating is slowed by the fact that the wind is to high to use covers.
  2. Heys plumbing is here to intall a new saddle on the 50 meter pool.
  3. Replaced dive pool chlorione line parker fitting.
  4. Talked to pool manager about getting staff to clean from the pump room down to the side area.
  5. Started adding chemical to dive pool: 200lbs bicarb, 8 gallons chlorine, 4 quarts of water clarifer.
  6. Checked SCP with to see if backwsh pit was full, also picked up expansion joint supplies.
  7. Visited NOP upper storage for beanies.
  8. H2o quality at NOP, called tech services because computer was not working right.
That's about is for today.  There was much more but nothing beyond the usual.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Things done today:
    1. Started filling 25m pool with main bypass.
    2. Bottom of pool covered by 5pm.
    3. Tried to start circulation pump, ran into trouble with a vacuum in the suction line.
    4. 50m blew a line to the heater out of the saddle, 50m pool not operational, will wait for word from Gary on progress of repair. Pool is scheduled to be drained on Monday.
    5. Worried about main drain being closed. 

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

12/7/2005 Activities

  1. Turned off main drain gate valve.(25m)
  2. Started filling pool using water from the Activity Pool surge pit. Progress is so but will fill 33% overnight.(25m)
  3. Created new maintenance sheets until the end of the year.(office)
  4. Filled out daily reports.(office)
  5. Dropped stinger in 50 meter to clean.(pump room)
  6. Completely replaced reagents.(fridge)
  7. Printed monthly Pool Tech Calendar.(office)
  8. Cleaned up office.(office)
Major focus for Thursday: 25Meter & NOP pool check

Christopher M. Lundie

Pool Technician

City of Santa Clarita - P R & C S Dept.

(661) 250-3782


Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Dive Pool - Started draining Monday at 1:30pm, Chemicals were checked prior to the start of draining CL 0.0, PH 7.6 Temp 68 degrees.  I am using 1 electric vacuum to drain the pool.
Activity Pool - Needs cleaning
50 Meter Pool - +500lbs of bicarb last night
Pump room - Put 500lbs of bicarb in Yellow Buckets, Room needs to be cleaned, Robotech missing cart.
Pool Tech Meetings - I worked on creating a pool tech meeting schedule.
I have started today switching over my task list and other items to my outlook e-mail program along with my schedule. 
I will update more tonight!

Saturday, November 19, 2005


The swim meet is happening today. I have made sure there is a 3 foot
clearance around the pool deck. I have also got line for the canopy buckets

I added 200 lbs of bicarb to the Dive pool to raise alkalinity and raised
the PH in the 50 meter to 7.5 from 7.3.

This place is very busy and I think that it will be hard to keep everything

I am planning on spending time on the expansion joint later today at SCP.

SCP Expansion Joint

The pool expansion joint project has been officially as of Friday turned
over to me. Yesterday I went and picked up P/G Primer in Pomona from the
W.R. Meadows warehouse. They gave me a catalog that will be helpful in
planning future projects.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

North Oaks Pool

The pool was vandalized lightly this weekend. I have cleaned up most of
the trash around. I also put 1 Gal of Bleach in the pit, and 2 gallons
directly in the pool.

Santa Clarita Pool Expansion Joint

I attended a meeting today regarding the expansion joint at SCP. From
everything said we will have the chance to try our temporary patch the end
of next week.

I am still looking for P.G. primer!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

SCAC - 50 Meter Pool Chlorine & Acid Vats

The SCAC pumps for the 50 meter have not been working right for a week.  I am planning on fixing this tonight and should have them up and running by tomorrow (Wednesday).

North Oaks Pool Draining Time

I started draining the pool Monday Night at 5pm. I continued draining until 9pm (4 hours). Then I cam in at 10 am on Tuesday and was completed draining by 7pm (9 hours)on Tuesday. It is projected to take two more hours to finish draining the pit to the proper level, Then 2 hours to clean the pit and get ready for refill.

Here it is broken down:

Hrs. Activity
13 Pool drain using main pump
02 Pit Draining
02 Clean Pit and remove protective basket from pump

17 Total drain service by Pool Techs (two days needed for project)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


The pool stretch cover has been installed, many anchors are missing so the cover will not support properly. I will write a workorder to remedy the anchor issue.

Activity pool

The pool was left on manual last night and needed to be adjusted with 75lbs of soda Ash. The pool looks fine and is ready to go!! 9/21/2005

Chemical Delivery Schedule

The chemcial delivery schedule has been changed so that all the outside pools have delivery based upon us ordering. SCAC has delivery every Tuesday with 200lbs of bicarb every week.

Swimming Pool Technician


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Swimming Pool Technician

Chemical Delivery Notes:
I have changed the delivery orders for all pools. VGP, VMP, SCP, NOP, NHP to upon demand delivery. SCAC to weekly delivery for Chlorine and Acid, Bicarb 200lbs a week.

I can order chems on Friday for delivery on Tuesday.

Inter Valley Pool Supply is closed on Mondays.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


  1. Hung bucket legend
  2. added 75lbs of calcium chloride
  3. changed buckets
  4. installed blue buckets
  5. installed gamma seal lids
  6. Refill line leaking (I will write workorder tomorrow)
  7. Talked to K. Hugger and she said that her pools would be checked by the managers until the end of the month.
  8. She also said they would move most of the stuff in the office but they could not move the fridge. I told her I would work on getting it moved.


  1. Picked up three boxes of latex gloves


  1. Replaced the bucket lids
  2. Installed blue buckets
  3. Hung bucket legend
  4. put three 3 inch chlorine tablets in backwash pit


  1. Pit drained
  2. Colored buckets installed
  3. Basket around pump shaft removed
  4. E-mail Doug regarding ants in office and wurrounding areas
  5. Chlorine gallons empty
  6. I am planning on Draining the pool tonight
  7. Wrote workorder on pump room door
  8. Wrote workorder on chlorine pump

Monday, September 05, 2005

Tuesday September 6th, 2005

1. 7am arrive and arrange for truck to go in for service.
2. 8am arrive at VMP with 055
3. 1pm Go to staff meeting
4. 3pm off

Tasks needing completion:
-Order expansion joint material
-Order 32' poles
-Get Phenol Red for activity pool
-Create schedule for September
-Buy shoes
-Buy tools
-Call frame shop
-Install bucket lids
-Zip tie flags SCAC
-Work on handicap lift SCAC
-Drain activity pool
-Drain SCP
-Re-create chemical emergency kit
-Order Vacuum hoses SCAC
-Fix vacuum NOP
-Get waterslide washing material
-Order oxidation remover for slide and Wax
-Move uniforms
-Create workshop in storage bin
-Stencil chemical buckets outside pools
-Take blower and pressure washer in form engine repair
-Finish waterslide compliance manual work
-Order janitorial supplies
-Start work on maintenance manuals